Custom stamping spray six-axis collaborative robot arm

The spraying robot can achieve high-precision control, ensure the stability of quality indicators such as uniformity and thickness of the product surface coating, and reduce errors caused by human factors.

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Product Details

Equipped with advanced spray gun, can automatically adjust the spray pressure, flow rate and atomization effect according to different coating and spraying requirements. For coatings of different viscosities, the spray gun can quickly adjust the parameters to ensure the spray quality.

                 Specifications for collaborative spraying robots

Model number of cooperative spraying robot: B56-0608

Motion radius of cooperative spraying robot: 849.7mm

Installation mode of the collaborative spraying robot: floor/ceiling type

Rated load of cooperative spraying robot: 3KG

Maximum load of cooperative spraying robot: 6KG

Repeated positioning accuracy of cooperative spraying robot: ±0.02mm

Motor power consumption of collaborative spraying robot: 2450W

Power interface of cooperative spraying robot: 220V 5OHZ

Protection level of cooperative spraying robot: IP54

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